Oil and gas refineries are highly water-intensive industrial settings, with effluent containing a significant level of pollution stemming from diverse organic and inorganic compounds. Besides adhering to discharge standards for industrial effluent, incorporating treated oil refinery effluent (ORE) into the production cycle can play a pivotal role in curbing water consumption. In recent years, there has been research into different approaches to reclaiming ORE. Yet, selecting treatment methods that are technically, economically, and environmentally effective is crucial to preventing resource waste. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the last two decades of literature on methods and technologies used for ORE treatment. Based on the inclusion criteria, the final screening included 82 studies, with acceptable agreement assessed using Cohen's inter-examiner kappa equal to 0.86. The included studies were of biological treatment (n = 27), physicochemical processes (n = 12), advanced purification processes (n = 16), membrane-based technologies (n = 15), and green technologies (n = 13). This comprehensive review showed that the advanced membrane-based techniques are effective in the removal of pollutants from ORE for several reasons, such as reducing the consumption of chemicals, high efficiency, and ease of setup and maintenance. However, combined methods with a focus on membrane-based processes (e.g. UF-RO) are the most promising options for the reclamation of ORE. Since some effluent treatment methods require the use of chemicals and energy to run, future research should focus on environmentally friendly methods and the use of renewable energy.
Published in | American Journal of Water Science and Engineering (Volume 10, Issue 4) |
DOI | 10.11648/j.ajwse.20241004.12 |
Page(s) | 87-107 |
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This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Oil Refinery Effluent, Reclamation and Reuse, Wastewater Treatment, Systematic Review
Scenario | Purpose | Main results and conclusions | Country & Reference | Year |
MBR-PMR with TiO2 | Removal of recalcitrant organic compounds | PMR with green TiO2 and recycled membrane with high efficiency and stability in removing organic matter. | Brazil, [34] | 2020 |
MBR on full-scale | Water supply required for Greenfields | MBR reduces the concentration of NH3-N to less than 0.5 ppm and reduces the potential for nitrification. | Brazil, [35] | 2013 |
Sequencing batch reactor system | Removal of phenolic compounds | High effectiveness in removing total phenols around 98%. | UAE, [36] | 2014 |
Anaerobic biofilm reactor (AnBR) | Removal of organic compounds | The significant relationship between system efficiency and bacterial diversity. The vital role of Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas bacteria in hydrocarbon degradation. Removal of COD by 80% after 11 days from the system launch. | China, [29] | 2016 |
MBR on a pilot scale | Removal of organic compounds | MBR has high efficiency in removing COD, NH3-N, turbidity, color, phenol, and toxicity and subsequently meets standards for disposal and reuse of non-potable water. | Brazil, [28] | 2017 |
Biocathode microbial desalination cell (interaction of microalgae and bacteria) | Removing the organic compounds of ORE coupled with seawater desalination and bioelectricity production | Reduction of 70% COD, 81% BOD, 67% phosphorous, 61% sulfide, 67% TDS and 62% TSS. Save 1.245 kWh/m3 of power by microbial desalination cell (MDC) | India, [37] | 2020 |
Biological treatment using Tyrosinase Enzyme produced from different microbial strains | The degradation of toxic organic pollutants | Significant removal of 95% phenol and 89% PAHs in effluent. | Nigeria, [38] | 2019 |
UASB-PBBR | Biodegradation of recalcitrant organic compounds (COD & PAHs) | COD removal efficiency in the UASB and PBBR over 118 days was 68.48% and 38.28%, respectively. Complete removal of PAHs. | Iran, [39] | 2015 |
Anoxic–aerobic sequential moving bed reactors | Removal of hydrocarbon, phenol, sulfide, and ammonia-nitrogen | The optimum HRT of 16 h for complete removals of phenol, TPH, COD, and NH3-N | India, [30] | 2017 |
Scenario | Purpose | Main results and conclusions | Country & Reference | Year |
Submerged ultrafiltration system using hollow fiber (HF) polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membranes | The removal of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) | The removal efficiency of TPH was found to be more than 91%. Different fractions of petroleum and PAH compounds were reduced. | Iran, [40] | 2023 |
Continuous flow microbial fuel cell (MFC) and packages of cells with serial and parallel flow connections | COD removal and electricity generation | At HRT 45 h, COD removal increased to 87% by increasing HRT. Open-circuit voltage (OCV) produced was 760 mV in parallel flow connections (PFC). COD removal in SFC (89%) and PFC (42%). | Iran, [41] | 2020 |
Bioremediation (using Azolla pinnata var. imbricata) | Absorb Heavy Metals and Fluorides | A significant difference between the initial and final concentrations of metal ions and fluoride after using the Azolla plant. bioconcentration factor (BCF) of fluoride, zinc, cadmium, and iron ≤ 1 and BCF of lead, chromium, hexavalent chromium, and copper ≅ 1. | India, [12] | 2015 |
Bioremediation: A Review | Removal of Petroleum Contaminants | Degradation of complex petroleum chemical pollutants into simpler forms using bioremediation (through microbes, plants, or biocatalysts (via enzymatic pathways), biosorbents (use of microbial biomass), or the use of biological products (natural fibers, composite biologicals). | India, [42] | 2021 |
The use of Biosurfactants | Minimizing solid wastes | 50 mg/l of rhamnolipid reduces sludge disposal by 52%, removes COD by 81-97%. | Brazil, [43] | 2015 |
anoxic-oxic MBR on pilot scale | Removal of organic compounds | COD removal of 97.15 ± 1.85%, while oil and grease removal at 96.6 ± 2.6% | China, [44] | 2018 |
UASB | Removal of organic compounds | In four organic volumetric loading rates of 0.58, 0.89, 1.21, and 2.34 kg/m3 d, COD removal was 78, 82, 83, and 81% respectively. | Malaysia, [45] | 2012 |
Bioremediation (Photosynthetic bacteria) using effects of light intensity | Removal of pollutants and accumulation of high-value cell inclusions | 500 lx was the optimal intensity for 62.66% SCOD and 91.54% NH4+-N removal. 4000 lx was the optimal light intensity for the carotenoid, bacteriochlorophyll, and biomass production | China, [46] | 2021 |
Scenario | Purpose | Main results and conclusions | Country & Reference | Year |
UASB reactor using RSM | Removal of organic compounds | the effluent COD was 120 mg/L, the VSS effluent was 0.4 mg/L and the biogas rate was 0.025 L biogas/L feed. | Iran, [47] | 2017 |
MBR | Removal of organic compounds | The use of oxalic acid at pH 2.5 followed by the use of NaOCl (5000ppm) increased the permeability of the membrane up to 92.7%. | Brazil, [48] | 2021 |
Phytoremediation (using Brassica juncea) muskgrass (a macroalga, Chara canescens) | Removal of Selenium | Decomposition of all accumulated SeCN(-) into other forms of SeCN | USA, [49] | 2002 |
Expanded Bed Nitrification | Nitrification | Biofilms incubated in ORE achieved higher ammonia removal than those incubated in the synthetic wastewater (SWW). | UK, [50] | 2009 |
BAC | removing PAHs and aliphatic hydrocarbons | Removal of PAH by 97% under condition contact time (24 h), temperature (24 °C), and moderate oxygen concentration (6–7 mg O2 L−1) | Sweden, [51] | 2009 |
UASB reactor | Removal of COD | 76.3% COD removal efficiency and a 0.25 L biogas/L feed d biogas production rate | Iran, [52] | 2011 |
Bioremediation | Removal of COD & BOD using Scenedesmus obliquus | Bioremediation is an effective technology in the reduction of pollutants like inorganic and organic compounds | India, [32] | 2009 |
Batch biological reactor | Removal of COD, BOD, and Acute Toxicity | removal of 93% of BOD, 77% of COD, and 27.8% EC50 | Canada, [53] | 2002 |
Biosorption | Removal of Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Pb metals | Maximum uptake of cationic metal ions at pH 4-6 by immobilized P. squamosus with fungal biomass | Nigeria, [33] | 2007 |
Phytoremediation (using water hyacinth) | Removal of heavy metals | To overcome this limitation, factors such as pH, temperature, amount of water hyacinth, effluent flow and retention time, metal concentrations, and size of lagoon need also to be considered. | Malaysia, [54] | 2008 |
Scenario | Purpose | Main results and conclusions | Country & Reference | Year |
UF-IX/MOX | Supply of makeup water for cooling towers | In the optimum pressure of 1 bar, removal efficiency of COD (57%), TDS (80%), Turbidity (94%), SiO2 (67%), Oil (88%), and HPC (99%) was achieved. | Iran, [1] | 2020 |
Comparison of hybrid UF-OMBR and MBR | oil refinery effluent treatment | The high removal efficiency for UF in UF-OMBR [COD removal (99.6)] compared to UF in conventional MBR [COD removal (66.8)] | Brazil, [63] | 2019 |
FO using NaCl as the draw solute | Desalination | SO42- rejection of 100%, CO32- rejection of 95.66 ± 0.32%, and flux recovery of 95% after CIP. | South Africa, [61] | 2021 |
UF process | Removal of turbidity and mercury to meet the discharge standard | Removal of mercury less than 1.3 ppt and turbidity to less than 0.16 NTU. | USA, [64] | 2013 |
Comparison of FO, RO, FO-RO Hybrid | Desalination of ORE to achieve effluent discharge standards | For FO (permeation flux: 3.64 ± 0.13 L/m2 h, Cl-: 35.5, SO42-: 100%, CO32-: 94.59 ± 0.32 and flux recovery of 86%. For RO (permeation flux: 2.29 ± 0.24 L/m2h, Cl- rejection: 90.5%, SO42-: 95.1%, CO32-: 97.3 ± 0.4 and flux recovery: 62.52%. The FO-RO hybrid process proved unsuccessful | South Africa, [18, 65] | 2021 |
Membrane desalination | Effluent desalination | In optimum conditions, final treated effluent by MD, the maximum amount of conductivity, COD, and chloride were 5.6 μS/cm, 4 mg/L, and less than 7 mg/L respectively. | Iran, [66] | 2022 |
Membrane process | possibility to reuse the effluent as a makeup water | UF was more efficient in reaching the makeup water. | Turkey, [17] | 2022 |
Nanofiltration membrane processes | water recycling, reuse, and product recovery: A review | NF was more efficient in ORE reclamation, recycling, reuse, and recovery applications due to its capability to separate the divalent/polyvalent ions while allowing permeation for monovalent ions and small molecules. | Malaysia, [67] | 2022 |
Micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF) | Removal of heavy metals | Ni, Pb, Cd, and Cr decreased by 96%, 95%, 92%, and 86%, respectively | Iran, [56] | 2018 |
MF-RO | Removal of pollutants in petroleum effluents | MF-RO in the reclamation of ORE to supply water to steam boilers was efficient. | USA, [68] | 2006 |
Scenario | Purpose | Main results and conclusions | Country & Reference | Year |
UF-NF | Removal of turbidity, COD, and Oil content, SO4-2, and NO3 | Removal of turbidity by 95%, COD (160 mg/l), Oil content (26.8 mg/l), SO4-2 (110 mg/l), and NO3 (48.4 mg/l) were agreed with the permissible limits of WHO. The Cl-1 (8900 mg/l) component was not within the allowable limits. This method is seen to be not sufficient to remove the salinity of the produced water. | Iraq, [69] | 2016 |
UF (PS membrane)-RO (PA membrane) | Desalter effluent treatment | The UF membrane as an effective pretreatment removed more than 75% of the oil content, and RO removed more than 95% of TDS | Iran, [19] | 2009 |
Membrane desalination | Removal of mercury | MF, UF, NF, and RO membranes were efficient in achieving the Hg discharge criterion (<1.3 ng/L). P≥34.5 bar had a significant effect on NF and RO flux and permeate quality. | USA, [62] | 2012 |
Hybrid UF/RO membrane using polyacrylonitrile and polyamide membranes | Removal of oil and grease content, TOC, COD, TDS and turbidity | The hybrid UF/RO system reduced 100%, 98%, 98%, 95%, and 100% in Oil and G content, TOC, COD, TDS, and turbidity, respectively. | Iran, [70] | 2011 |
Scenario | Purpose | Main results and conclusions | Country & Reference | Year |
Electrochemical oxidation using three-dimensional multi-phase electrode | Removal of COD, salinity, and phenol | Under optimum conditions (pH: 6.5; v:12V): Removal of COD by 92.8%, and salinity (84 μS cm−1) | China, [72] | 2011 |
Electrochemical oxidation methods: using a boron-doped diamond anode, ruthenium mixed metal oxide (Ru-MMO) electrode, electro-Fenton, and electrocoagulation | Removal of COD, and phenol | Complete phenol and COD removal in almost all electrochemical methods, except electrocoagulation. The most efficient method: the electro-Fenton process followed by the electrochemical oxidation using a boron-doped diamond anode | Turkey, [73] | 2010 |
Electrochemical oxidation using graphite anodes | Removal of COD, and phenol | Under best conditions (current density 12 mA cm-2, pH 7, and NaCl: 2 gl-1, and treatment time of 60 min): COD removal by 100% and phenol removal by 99.12%. | Iraq, [74] | 2019 |
Batch ozone-photocatalytic oxidation (O3/UV/TiO2), and biological remediation by macroalgae | Removal of phenol, sulfide, COD, O&G, and ammonia | the physicochemical results showed that a combination of (O3/UV/TiO2) for 10 min followed by macroalgae depuration seems to be a good option for cost-effective treatment of produced water streams. | Brazil, [75] | 2010 |
Combination of AOPs (H2O2 photolysis and catalytic wet peroxide oxidation) | Removal of pollutants in petroleum effluents | H2O2/UVC process with LP lamp: removal of phenolic compounds, TOC, and COD was 100%, 52.3%, and 84.3%, respectively. Complete elimination of phenolic compounds, 47.6% of TOC, and 91% of COD was achieved during the H2O2/UVC process with an MP lamp. | Spain, [76] | 2016 |
Electrocoagulation: RSM design approach | Removal of turbidity, TOC, COD, TDS, and Oil content | Removal of turbidity by 84.5%, COD by 82%, TDS by 20%, and Oil content by 99%. | Iraq, [11, 77, 78] | 2023 |
Electrocoagulation Reactor Using Response Surface Method | Removal of TOC, Oil Content, and Turbidity | Removal of turbidity by 84.43%, TOC by 84%, and Oil content by 86%. | Iraq, [79, 80] | 2020 |
Ozone-Based Advanced Oxidation Processes | Reuse and Recycle Solutions | ↑ H2O2 amount to 80 mg/L, ↓ to 37.5 min →decreasing the energy and reagent consumption costs by 37%, reaching a final TOC under 4 mg/L. | Spain, [81] | 2020 |
Scenario | Purpose | Main results and conclusions | Country & Reference | Year |
Electrocoagulation (EC) and electrochemical oxidation (EO) techniques | Removal of COD | EC (aluminum and mild steel were used as the anode): COD removal by 87% EO (ruthenium oxide-coated titanium (RuO2/Ti) was used as the anode): COD removal by 92% | India, [82] | 2013 |
Electrochemical: using boron-doped diamond anodes | Organic compounds removal | The anode could be successfully used to treat effluents containing organic compounds. The anode (which was deposited onto a niobium substrate) was not stable and showed intense pitting corrosion after 300 h of use. | Brazil, [83] | 2013 |
Scenario | Purpose | Main results and conclusions | Country & Reference | Year |
Electrofenton process: using a porous graphite air-diffusion cathode | COD removal | COD removal efficiency: 94% with lowering specific energy consumption of 3.75 kWh/kg COD | Iraq, [86] | 2023 |
Photo-catalytic system (TiO2 and zeolite) | Removal of COD and SO42- | Removal efficiency: 92% for zeolite and 91% for TiO2, TiO2 exhibited more efficiency in terms of mixing rate and reaction time requirements. | South Africa, [94] | 2020 |
TiO2/Ag photocatalyst fixed on lightweight concrete plates | Removal and degradation of organic pollutants | COD removal under sunlight for 8 hours: 51.8% COD removal using UV-A lamps: 76.3% | Iran, [95] | 2021 |
Photo-ferrioxalate and Fenton’s reactions with UF step | Removal of pollutants | Removal of COD, phenol, sulfides, TSS, turbidity, and color, were 94%, <0.5 mg/L, <0.2 mg/L, <1 mg/L, 2 NTU, and 254 Pt-Co, respectively. | Mexico, [96] | 2015 |
Photovoltaic cell electro-Fenton oxidation | Removal of organic compounds | More than 98% removal of organic content and 39.67 kWh/m3 for the consumption of energy. | Iraq, [93] | 2020 |
Nano-TiO2-Induced Photocatalysis | Removal of TPH | The use of solar light with doped TiO2 can replace UV light, which has a much higher energy consumption. Light-emitting diode light can also be an option because of its higher electron-photon conversion rate. | Canada, [97] | 2017 |
Zinc Oxide Nano Particle as Catalyst in Batch and Continuous Systems | Removal of Oil content | Removal efficiency of the Oil content of the ZnO/UV was 80% at 20 mL/min and irradiation time 120 min. | Iraq, [98] | 2021 |
Photo Fenton Reagent | Removal of Phenol and Benzene | The optimum ratio of Fenton Reagent is Fe: H2O2=l:25, at a COD reduction of 53.8%. The optimum temperature for operating a photo-Fenton reaction is 40°C, at a COD reduction of 68%. | Malaysia, [92] | 2004 |
A semiconductor (ZnO, TiO2, and Al2O3) in the presence of solar as source of energy | Removal of oil content | Removal of oil content by ZnO, TiO2, and Al2O3 were 95.2 % and 92.11%, 80.7%, respectively. | Pakistan, [85] | 2018 |
AnBR | Anaerobic Biofilm Reactor |
AOPs | Advanced Oxidation Processes |
BAC | Biologically Activated Carbon |
BCF | Bioconcentration Factor |
BOD | Biological Oxygen Demand |
CIP | Clean in Place |
COD | Chemical Oxygen Demand |
EAOPs | Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation Processes |
EC | Electrocoagulation |
ECR | Electrocoagulation Reactor |
EO | Electro-Oxidation |
FO | Forward Osmosis |
HCs | Hydrocarbons |
HF | Hollow Fiber |
HPC | Heterotrophic Plate Count |
HRT | Hydraulic Retention Time |
IX | Ion Exchange |
IXMB | Mixed Bed Ion Exchange |
MBR | Membrane Bioreactors |
MD | Membrane Desalination |
MDC | Microbial Desalination Cell |
MF | Microfiltration |
MFC | Microbial Fuel Cells |
MOX | Multi-Oxidant Disinfectant |
NF | Nanofiltration |
NH3-N | Nitrogen Content of the Ammonia |
O&G | Oil and Grease |
OCV | Open-Circuit Voltage |
OMBR | Osmotic Membrane Bioreactor |
ORE | Oil Refinery Effluent |
PA | Polyamide |
PAHs | Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons |
PBBR | Packed-Bed BIOFILM reactor |
PFC | Parallel Flow Connections |
PMR | Photocatalytic Membrane Reactor |
PS | Polysulfone |
PTFE | Polytetrafluoroethylene |
RO | Reverse Osmosis |
RSM | Response Surface Methodology |
SFC | Serial Flow Connections |
SS | Suspended Solids |
TDS | Total Dissolved Solids |
TiO2 | Titanium Dioxide |
TOC | Total Organic Carbon |
TPH | Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon |
UASB | Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket |
UF | Ultrafiltration |
UWRs | Unconventional Water Resources |
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APA Style
Hashemi, F., Young, S., Hashemi, H., Leiviskä, T., Shafea, L., et al. (2024). Water Footprint Reduction in Oil and Gas Refineries Through Water Reuse: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Water Science and Engineering, 10(4), 87-107. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajwse.20241004.12
ACS Style
Hashemi, F.; Young, S.; Hashemi, H.; Leiviskä, T.; Shafea, L., et al. Water Footprint Reduction in Oil and Gas Refineries Through Water Reuse: A Systematic Review. Am. J. Water Sci. Eng. 2024, 10(4), 87-107. doi: 10.11648/j.ajwse.20241004.12
@article{10.11648/j.ajwse.20241004.12, author = {Fallah Hashemi and Stephanie Young and Hassan Hashemi and Tiina Leiviskä and Leila Shafea and Marjan Hajivand and Babak Pouladi Borj}, title = {Water Footprint Reduction in Oil and Gas Refineries Through Water Reuse: A Systematic Review }, journal = {American Journal of Water Science and Engineering}, volume = {10}, number = {4}, pages = {87-107}, doi = {10.11648/j.ajwse.20241004.12}, url = {https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajwse.20241004.12}, eprint = {https://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.ajwse.20241004.12}, abstract = {Oil and gas refineries are highly water-intensive industrial settings, with effluent containing a significant level of pollution stemming from diverse organic and inorganic compounds. Besides adhering to discharge standards for industrial effluent, incorporating treated oil refinery effluent (ORE) into the production cycle can play a pivotal role in curbing water consumption. In recent years, there has been research into different approaches to reclaiming ORE. Yet, selecting treatment methods that are technically, economically, and environmentally effective is crucial to preventing resource waste. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the last two decades of literature on methods and technologies used for ORE treatment. Based on the inclusion criteria, the final screening included 82 studies, with acceptable agreement assessed using Cohen's inter-examiner kappa equal to 0.86. The included studies were of biological treatment (n = 27), physicochemical processes (n = 12), advanced purification processes (n = 16), membrane-based technologies (n = 15), and green technologies (n = 13). This comprehensive review showed that the advanced membrane-based techniques are effective in the removal of pollutants from ORE for several reasons, such as reducing the consumption of chemicals, high efficiency, and ease of setup and maintenance. However, combined methods with a focus on membrane-based processes (e.g. UF-RO) are the most promising options for the reclamation of ORE. Since some effluent treatment methods require the use of chemicals and energy to run, future research should focus on environmentally friendly methods and the use of renewable energy. }, year = {2024} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Water Footprint Reduction in Oil and Gas Refineries Through Water Reuse: A Systematic Review AU - Fallah Hashemi AU - Stephanie Young AU - Hassan Hashemi AU - Tiina Leiviskä AU - Leila Shafea AU - Marjan Hajivand AU - Babak Pouladi Borj Y1 - 2024/11/12 PY - 2024 N1 - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajwse.20241004.12 DO - 10.11648/j.ajwse.20241004.12 T2 - American Journal of Water Science and Engineering JF - American Journal of Water Science and Engineering JO - American Journal of Water Science and Engineering SP - 87 EP - 107 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2575-1875 UR - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajwse.20241004.12 AB - Oil and gas refineries are highly water-intensive industrial settings, with effluent containing a significant level of pollution stemming from diverse organic and inorganic compounds. Besides adhering to discharge standards for industrial effluent, incorporating treated oil refinery effluent (ORE) into the production cycle can play a pivotal role in curbing water consumption. In recent years, there has been research into different approaches to reclaiming ORE. Yet, selecting treatment methods that are technically, economically, and environmentally effective is crucial to preventing resource waste. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the last two decades of literature on methods and technologies used for ORE treatment. Based on the inclusion criteria, the final screening included 82 studies, with acceptable agreement assessed using Cohen's inter-examiner kappa equal to 0.86. The included studies were of biological treatment (n = 27), physicochemical processes (n = 12), advanced purification processes (n = 16), membrane-based technologies (n = 15), and green technologies (n = 13). This comprehensive review showed that the advanced membrane-based techniques are effective in the removal of pollutants from ORE for several reasons, such as reducing the consumption of chemicals, high efficiency, and ease of setup and maintenance. However, combined methods with a focus on membrane-based processes (e.g. UF-RO) are the most promising options for the reclamation of ORE. Since some effluent treatment methods require the use of chemicals and energy to run, future research should focus on environmentally friendly methods and the use of renewable energy. VL - 10 IS - 4 ER -